Hi, I'm Rosie.
I love documentaries and I love editing.
I have an eclectic set of interests and taste. I never want to limit myself creatively and only want to evolve and push my boundaries as an editor and on the projects I work on.
What I love about editing is recreating that moment, the moment where you feel suspended in time with a film's character.
I have a great passion for character-driven vérité films. They are by default, the breath and rhythm of life. But I am also interested in more explicit editing and using those mechanisms to bring archival and recreation elements to life, whether in features, series or shorts.
I also believe my editing work is greatly influenced by real life experiences. So more often than not, you can find me hiking, gardening or obsessing about fish.
Just some of my work lives on this site, so please feel free to reach out about seeing more. You can check out my resume here, which is pretty much a list of everything I've ever worked on. Feel free to connect!
Here's a picture I took of the Tetons, while hiking one morning out west.